
PCA Alzheimer's and Crafting

Welcome to my newest blog.   This necessarily will be very different from my original main blog, Kathryn’s Knitting.  I used to be a more than adequate crafter.  I loved knitting and crochet especially but also sewing and rug making and actually I was a not too bad mathematician in the dim past! But that was before my diagnosis of PCA Alzheimer’s Disease. PCA stands for Posterior Cortical Atrophy and is a form of Alzheimer’s disease which causes atrophy of the posterior part of the cerebral cortex resulting primarily in problems with visual and spatial processing.  As with all dementias it is obviously progressive.  It is the variant which Terry Pratchett had and since he went public with his diagnosis it’s become more widely recognised. It causes me to see things which aren’t there and not see things that are.  So you can imagine how this affects all aspects of crafting! The needle won’t go in the right hole nor the hook in the right stitch.  Picking up a dropped stitch